The Evangelical Presbyterian Church of Sikkim observed the Good Friday

Unknown | Friday, April 14, 2017 | 0 comments

Penlong/Gangtok, 14 April: On the eve of Good Friday as every Christian Community in the World observes “Good Friday”. The Evangelical Presbyterian Church of Sikkim (EPCS) has also observed the Good Friday at there respective churches among which the Good Friday Services that was observed at Penlong and Gangtok EPCS Church today. 

Good Friday is commemorating the crucifixion of  Jesus Christ and His death at Calvary. It is observed during Holy Week on the Friday preceding Easter Sunday.

The message of Good Friday was delivered by Rev. Dr. B.D. Rai (Kalimpong, PFC Church) at Penlong EPCS church where the message at Gangtok EPCS Church was delivered by Rev. P. S. Tingboo followed by the Communion Service (Lord’s Supper) in His remembrance. Many believers took part of this Holy Services.



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