Sikkim represented at 10th SAARC International Psychiatry Conference at Kolkata

Unknown | Monday, December 18, 2017 | 0 comments

Gangtok, 18 December: The Dept of Health Care, Human Service and Family Welfare, Govt of Sikkim participated at 10th SAARC International Psychiatry Conference at Kolkata w.e.f 15 to 17 Dec 2017. 

Dr Netra Thapa and Dr Satish Rasaily represented from Sikkim, India to present a symposium on " integrating mental health service in primary health care system - Sikkim model".

Dr Gautam Saha ( Hon' ble General Secretary of Indian Psychiatry Society & Organizing Chairperson of SAARC conference 2017) said that  SAARC Psychiatric Federation (S.P.F) is an International Psychiatric Association which is constituted with philanthropic, scientific and humanitarian objectives under the name "SAARC Psychiatric Federation" (SPF). The activities of SPF extend to whole of the South Asian Association for Regional Co-operation (SAARC) region- India, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Sri Lanka, Nepal, Maldives, Afghanistan and Bhutan. SAARC Psychiatric Federation is represented by all the 8 countries of the SAARC region SAARC region is gifted by one of the world’s oldest civilizations with huge number of talented people almost making one fourth of the world's population and the region has got the mightiest and the highest peaks of mountains in the world. All SAARC countries have got their own Mental Health Associations and Societies and the mental health services are getting better in these countries. This year ,  theme is  "Psychiatry in developing World" which calls to SAARC nation to develop innovative mental health service delivery system. 

We  have invited Sikkim to represent India to highlight the innovative mental health activities and services that are being conducted in Sikkim in last several years. The State of Sikkim is one of the first state in India to take mental health services to grassroots rural population. We wanted Sikkim to come and share their experiences in this international platform so that we all can learn from the State of Sikkim. 

Dr Netra Thapa and Dr Satish Rasaily thanked the Dept of HC, HS and FW , Govt of Sikkim for giving opportunity to participate the SAARC conference. 



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