Lok Sabha MP Mr. P.D Rai launched Sikkim Open Government Data Portal
Lok Sabha MP Mr. P.D Rai launched Sikkim Open Government Data Portal
Sikkim.data.gov.in and Open Government Data Platform (Sikkim) in a function
organized in the conference hall of AATI here in the capital today. Sikkim is
the first state in India to have this portal.
on the occasion M.P Mr. P.D Rai congratulated the Information Technology
Department, Government of Sikkim and NIC OGD team from Delhi for their effort,
while adding that with this we have moved to the national platform.
He also
added that it’s not important that Sikkim is the first State to have this
portal, but the important thing is to build on it now, for which plenty of hard
work is required.
M.P Mr.
P.D Rai also hoped to see more organic and agriculture data in the portal.Mr.
Ganesh Rai Chairperson of Sikkim Co-Operative Union was also present for the
launching programme.
the programme began with the welcome note by Joint Director, IT Mr. T Samdup Officials
from various Government departments were also present during this launching
programme and also participated in open discussion.
Information Technology department in collaboration with the NIC Team from Delhi
is also organizing a workshop on Sikkim Open Data in the same venue from 13th
to 18th June 2016. (IPR)
Category: Sikkim Government