Health Minister Mr. Ghatani led a plantation drive in the premises of STNM

Unknown | Saturday, June 25, 2016 | 0 comments

Gangtok June 25: Keeping in-sync with the ground breaking Paryavaran Mahotsav environment festival ( 15th June-30th June) , the Hon’ble Minister for Health Care, Human Services and Family Welfare Department- Shri. A.K Ghatani  led a plantation drive in the premises of the Sir Thutop Namgyal Memorial Hospital (STNM) ,Gangtok .

 The Hon’ble Minister was accompanied by Secretary for the Health Department – Dr. K . Bhandari , Medical Superintendent- Dr. K.B Gurung , Heads of the various departments /Wings of the  STNM Hospital and other officials & staff who actively took part in the plantation drive .

 The Hon’ble Minister also took a round of the Hospital complex and took stock of the progess being achieved in the upgradation-cum-beautification works underway for the benefit of the patients and the visitors .The Plantation Drive was followed by a briefing session at the Chamber of the Medical Superintendent wherein important issues pertaining to the health care system were discussed.



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