Pakyong PHC organized Community Mental Health camp

Unknown | Thursday, December 08, 2016 | 0 comments

Pakyong, 8 December: The Pakyong Primary Health Center in collaboration with Vinayak Nursing College  organized Community Mental Health camp on 8 Dec 2016 to generate awareness on mental illness and suicidal behavior. 

Resource person were Dr Satish Rasaily ( Addiction Medicine Specialist, SIngtam District Hospital), Miss Pinky Bhutia ( Social Worker). Miss Sonam Tongden ( Psychologist) of Singtam District Hospital. 

Students of Vinayak Nursing college performed a skit play on depression and suicidal behavior depicting early signs and symptoms of mental health problems for early recognition of depression to combat suicide in the community. Dr Satish Rasaily said that depression is a disease of emotion brought about by chemical disturbances in brain rather. 

Depression is not a sign of weakness or failures in life. Depression reduces the capacity of an individual to enjoy life, feel pleasure/ rewards and cope with day to day stresses in life. Ultimately depression kills desires, and interests to the extent that person begins to feel that everything is worthless, hopeless and meaningless. Chronic depression can give rise to suicidal thoughts, feelings, plans,urges and attempts so called suicidal behavior. 

He also stressed that depression is 100% preventable and treatable with antidepressant medicine, counseling and social support. 

Miss Pinky Bhutia , Miss Sonam Tongden also imparted training to nursing students and ASHA on harmful effects of tobacco and alcohol, treatment of tobacco addiction with Nicotine patch and nicotex chewing gum, anxiety disorders, psychosomatic diseases and safety plan intervention to safeguard friends, family members and significant others threatening of ending their own life. 

Mr Gyanendra Chettri ( Health Education Officer) deliberated on Crisis Hotline Toll Free Number 18003453225 services to prevent suicide by the Dept of Health, Govt of Sikkim. A mental health cum counseling session was also conducted for the treatment of mental illness. 



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